Given below are some of the named Projects undertaken by our ?Core Project Team Associates? during the tenure of their working in various organizations.
S.No. | Organization | Project Experience |
1 | BHEL, BAP, Ranipet. |
Complete Project Consultancy
for Conversion of all
applications from Mainframe
/ Network-DBMS to UNIX
/ ORACLE Platform. Trained
BHEL personnel on UNIX,
ORACLE Developer/2000
2 | Radiant Software Limited, Chennai |
In-house development
of Payroll and HR package.
Currently for a strength
of 1000(+) Associates.
3 | WS Industries | Production Planning and Control |
4 | Dalmia Cement | Financial Accounting System |
5 | First leasing company of India Ltd |
In-house development
for leasing and hire
purchase, deposits,
share transactions and
whole range of financial
activities. Trained
in Oracle financials.
6 | KSB Pumps Limited, Coimbatore, Pune & Nasik |
Conversion and Migration
to upgraded Oracle7.3
based applications with
Forms for Y2K compliance
at their five sites
at Coimbatore, Pune
and Nasik
7 | TI Diamond Chain Limited, Ambattur, Chennai |
Development support
on existing application
for enhancements.
Y2K compliance for their three sites across the country Corporate Training on Oracle DBA and Developer/2000 |
8 | Shasun Chemicals Limited |
ERP level Development
& Implementation using
Oracle8 and Visual Basic6
for 4 locations (Chennai
HO & R&D Centre, Pondichery
Plant , Cuddalore Plant)
Oracle replication between the four offices spread across the state Application consists of 1800 forms and Reports covering Raw Materials Stores, Maintenance, Purchase, EXIM, Capital Goods, HR , Payroll , Complete Financial Accounting , Costing and MIS/ EIS for the Customers TOP Management |
9 |
Pharmaceuticals, Chennai (Manufacturers of MEDIMIX soap) |
Complete Application
development (ERP), for
the entire automation
of their 20 group Companies
in Oracle8i & Visual
Basic and connectivity
to their branches.
Development for FA, Cash, Cheque Issuing Department, Production, Sales, Despatch, Market Control, Media, HR Admin and Payroll, Merchandising, Vehicle with back data conversion for 5 years. Tally to Oracle conversion for 5 years of Accounts / Cash departments data. |
10 | Madras Fertilizers Limited, Chennai |
ERP development including
migration, design and
development of system
for procurement, planning,
distribution and inventory
11 | MIL Controls Ltd.,-Kerala |
Complete revamping and
migration of their Oracle
based character mode
applications to GUI
based Oracle AS / Browser
technology. Fresh development
of Financial accounting
and MRP applications.
12 | Johnson Lifts Private Limited, Chennai |
Total custom made ERP
application consisting
of Security, Finance,
Fixed Assets, Payroll,
Order Management, Servicing
& Maintenance, Purchase,
Inventory, Production.
The entire development
has been done using
Oracle DB/ Oracle AS
and Oracle DS